Civic League History

The AHCL was founded in 1931 as the Abington Junior Women's Club for the purpose of introducing young women between the ages of 17 and 28 to the workings of the Federated Women's Club.  In the late 50's, the AJWC was instrumental in starting the Abington Community Library.  In 1978, the Juniors became the AHCL and membership is now open to any woman in the community over 17 years old who is interested in belonging to and supporting our mission.

In 1947, we initiated the formation of a kindergarten at Grove Street Elementary School.  Since 1970, we have been vision screening all students registering for kindergarten.  We have purchased Christmas trees for each kindergarten class in the Abington Heights School District since 1974.    

We have also done, for almost 50 years, the Trick or Treat for UNICEF campaign through our school district until recent policy changes took place.  In the past, we have also done fingerprinting, with permission of the parents, at Abington Heights and Our Lady of Peace schools.  Other school related programs that we offer are scholarships given to graduating seniors and the sponsorship of a sophomore which enables them to attend the Hugh O'Brien Youth Foundation Leadership Seminar (HOBY).

We have "adopted" a two mile stretch of Grove Street through PennDOT to pick up litter.  At the Clarks Summit State Hospital, we have "adopted" a male ward and provide refreshments each month and gifts at the holidays.

Our crowning achievement is the Abington Heights Civic League Dance Academy.  This began in 1957 for children aged 3-18 with the proceeds of the annual recital going to local needy children in our community.


Officers for 2024-2025

President: Ronda Schiavone

Vice President:  Bernadette Menendez

Secretary:  Jan Klusza

Treasurer:  Sharon Campbell

Assistant Treasurer:  Jessica Bowers

Federation Officers

GFWC PA Executive Committee:

International President:  Debra Stranhonski

President:  Heide Cebrick

1st Vice President:  Donna Malone

2nd Vice President:  Sara Ruppel

Secretary:  JoAnn Propcheck

Treasurer:  Karen French

GFWC PA Northeastern District Director:  Judy Grace

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